AWS Service Delivery Program – Cloud Formation

AWS Service Delivery Program

Cloud Formation

AWS Cloud Formation

Managing your infrastructure with many services can be hard. Creating and managing multiple AWS resources can be challenging and time-consuming. In fact, doing those things could result in spending a whole lot of time managing your AWS resources instead of developing your applications. How can we solve this problem? AWS CloudFormation is the solution.

AWS CF provides you with a simple way to create and manage a collection of AWS resources by provisioning and updating them in an orderly and predictable way. In simple terms, it allows you to create and model your infrastructure and applications without having to perform actions manually. AWS CloudFormation enables you to manage your complete infrastructure or AWS resources in a text file, or template.

Innovate and accelerate your business transformation with AspireNXT. For customers seeking a true partner who will make a real difference to their businesses with IT, AspireNXT offers the specialized knowledge, experience, and expertise to make it happen.


Automate best practices: With CloudFormation, you can apply DevOps and GitOps best practices using widely adopted processes such as starting with a git repository and deploying through a CI/CD pipeline

Scale your infrastructure worldwide: Manage resource scaling by sharing CloudFormation templates to be used across your organization, to meet safety, compliance, and configuration standards across all AWS accounts and regions. CloudFormation Stack Sets enables you to create, update, or delete stacks across multiple AWS accounts and Regions, with a single operation.

Integrate with other AWS services : To further automate resource management across your organization, you can integrate CloudFormation nutrition is key for a basketball player with other AWS services, including WS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for access control, AWS Config for compliance, and AWS Service Catalog for turnkey application distribution and additional governance controls.

Manage third-party and private resources: Model, provision, and manage third-party application resources (such as monitoring, team productivity, incident management, CI/CD, and version control applications) alongside your AWS resources. Use the open source CloudFormation CLI to build your own CloudFormation resource providers – native AWS types published as open source.

Extend CloudFormation with the community: The AWS CloudFormation GitHub organization offers open source projects that extend CloudFormation’s capabilities. The CloudFormation Registry and CloudFormation CLI let you define and create resource providers to automate the creation of resources safely and systematically

Case Studies

We’ve helped numerous customers accelerate transformation on AWS. Our team of AWS certified engineers is always ready to design and develop a customizable solution to meet your specific business needs and manage your applications on your behalf.


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